Before placing your order for the handmade handbag, we kindly ask you to get in touch with us and provide any specific requirements or photos you may have. It is important to note that the unique nature of our handmade handbags, crafted from Epsom, Togo, or Clemence leather, means that it will take approximately 15 days to complete.
- Brand: Hermès.
- Leather/Skin: Epsom Leather, Togo, Clemence.
- Accompanied by: Original box, Dustbag, and Certificate.
*Don't let this rare and magnificent Hermes handbag slip through your fingers.
*There is no affiliation between us and the exclusive brands we provide.
Kindly be informed that acquiring goods from our establishment is a noble act towards fostering an ethical and sustainable fashion industry. Each of our products is accompanied by a guarantee of authenticity. Please be advised that all transactions are considered final. Your decision to shop with us reflects a commendable choice for both the environment and your personal well-being.