Loyalty Program
Emerald Handbags Loyalty Program: Elevate Your Style, Elevate Your Rewards!
Refer & Indulge in Exclusive Savings!
Invite friends into the world of Emerald Handbags and unlock luxury rewards with every successful referral.
Enjoy Exclusive Referral Discounts:
10% Off your next purchase with your first referral
15% Off for your second referral
20% Off for your third referral
Plus, each referred friend enjoys 10% off their first purchase an elegant introduction to their new favorite handbags.
Payment Perks:
10% Savings When You Pay by Bank Transfer.
Become an Emerald Handbags VIP!
Share your impeccable taste with 3 friends and be welcomed into our Emerald Handbags VIP Circle. As a VIP, you’ll enjoy:
• Early Access to our latest, most coveted collections.
• Exclusive Gifts designed to complement your luxury lifestyle.
• Personalized Shopping Experiences, tailored to your unique style preferences
Join the Elite, Share the Luxury, Reap the Rewards.
Start Referring Today to experience a world where style, sophistication, and rewards go hand-in-hand.